We are huge fans of International Nurses Day here at Migrate. Not only is the day – led by the International Council of Nurses (ICN) – the perfect opportunity to celebrate all the brilliant and incredibly hardworking nurses out there, not to mention the tireless work they do, but 12th May is also the day that Florence Nightingale (the founder of modern nursing) was born.
Placing international nurses into UK-based roles has always been something we’re really passionate about. Not only finding the best of the best nurses to come and join the NHS teams, but also supporting these nurses as they embark on a new exciting relocation journey here in the UK, and helping them to settle into UK life.
We know that our NHS is an amazing place to work. However, there are some significant gaps in its workforce, especially in nursing where there are over 50,000 vacancies. The need to recruit nurses has never been more critical. Thankfully, international recruitment has been given a boost with legislation changes and funding to make it easier to place overseas nurses. We’re excited to have a wide range of UK-based nursing roles that we’re currently recruiting for, which you can check out here.
Although the majority of the NHS workforce in England are British, there is a fairly sizeable proportion who are from overseas – 15% to be exact. Approx. 1 in 7, or 190,000 workers out of 1.35 million have a non-British nationality. Within this group, there are over 200 different nationalities – the most common being Indian, Filipino, Irish, Polish, Nigerian, Portuguese and Italian. 75,000 NHS staff report having an Asian nationality, whilst 25 out of every 1,000 staff members have an African nationality.
To break this down even further, 5.6% of NHS nurses are EU nationals, and 14% are nationals of non-EU countries, including India, the Philippines and Nigeria. London has the highest proportion of NHS staff with a non-UK nationality.
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